Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

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  • Vintagedeputy
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2005
    • 3172

    Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

    Vick knowingly committed and crime and went to prison as he should have.

    Too many kids idolize football players and prison. The 2 should never meet. Vick should be banished from the NFL to set an example for everyone.


    • rose14
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2005
      • 321

      Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

      Vick and anyone else who fight animals for amusements are the biggest cowards in society. Did Vick serve his time? Some will say yes but I don't think the punishment was severe enough. You do realize that he not only tortured and killed his own dogs but his "Bad Boyz Club" also took people's pets and put them in the rings with their dogs and watched them rip them to shreds.

      Cowards like them are too chicken $hit to get in a boxing or MMA ring and fight as they would rather use an animal for their amusement. I would give anything to get in the ring at my family's boxing gym with Michael Vick or any cowards like him for just three minutes. Give me three minutes, that's all I need.

      The problem with society today is that it is just too forgiving. Do you really think that Vick is sorry for what he did to those dogs? I don't. He is sorry that he got caught and lost all the money that he did. That's the only thing he is remorseful about.

      I think Vick should be court ordered as part of his deal that he must volunteer at an animal shelter or sanctuary for 8 hours a week for the next ten years. The first week he misses he should be sent to prison for the remainder of the sentence.


      • both-teams-played-hard
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2005
        • 2712

        Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

        Originally posted by dirtyla2000
        The issue is the same,a drunk driver is more dangerous to me than a guy who fought dogs and then killed them,SORRY.I will forgive a thief a lot faster than a murderer,COME ON!!!!!!
        Have you ever been a guardian to a pet in your adult life? Michael Vick is a sociopath.


        • kingjammy24
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2005
          • 3119

          Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

          "I will forgive a thief a lot faster than a murderer"

          vick is a murderer; the worst kind really as he did it solely for amusement and to victims who couldn't defend themselves. he's a psychopath. you keep mentioning how drunk driving is worse as if that somehow puts vick's crimes in a better light. they're both bad. sports leagues tolerate all sorts of miscreants that wouldn't even get hired in the "real world". as a convicted felon, vick would be hardpressed to even get a job delivering pizza. in the NFL, he can be a star.

          "compassion says alot of a society!"

          some folks step so far over the line they don't warrant compassion.

          "by the way they were dogs!"

          that statement speaks more of your own mental deficiencies than anything else. "compassion says alot of a society!". the dogs that vick killed were worth infinitely more than the festering bag of crap that is michael vick. good for you that you're able to see past all that murder and torture to what's really important; how many yards vick can throw for!

          rose14: well said.



          • jonincleve
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2006
            • 203

            Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

            michael vick broke our societies laws and served our societies punishment. those are the rules we set and voted our congressman to set. if you feel it should be a longer sentence then vote that way.

            he is now a free man (probation) and if the nfl allows him, he can sign with a team and be paid accordingly. it is my right as a fan to spend my money as i see fit. if, god forbid, he signs with the browns, i will not be buying any michael vick jerseys for myself or family members. will i still support the team, yes.

            nobody has mentioned i believe david little for the rams. he killed a person drunk driving and still played football. actually he was arrested recently for drunk driving AGAIN. talk about blowing a second chance. i am all for giving someone a second chance but not a third chance.

            back to vick, he deserves a second chance according to our laws. he is on a very short leash (pun intended). screw up bye,bye. otherwise earn as much money as you can and pay off your creditors for bankruptcy, so the taxpayers do not have to foot that bill. raise your family and be a model citizen for the rest of your life, it can be done.

            just my .02

            take care


            • both-teams-played-hard
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2005
              • 2712

              Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?


              • sportscentury
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2005
                • 2008

                Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                Dirtyla2000 -- Honestly, your arguments are so convoluted and generally confused that it's hard to know where to start. I am starting to better understand the motivation underlying your anti-Nationals threads/posts now. My sense is that you simply enjoy instigating GUU members, which is quite sad ... as is your take on the Vick situation.
                Always looking for top NBA game worn items of superstar and Hall-of-Fame-caliber players (especially Kobe, LeBron, MJ, Curry and Durant). Also looking for game worn items of all players from special events (e.g., All Star Game, NBA Finals, milestone games, etc.). Please contact me at Thank you.


                • 5kRunner
                  Senior Member
                  • Aug 2007
                  • 560

                  Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                  Originally posted by both-teams-played-hard
                  I was just going to mention that.
                  scottjrepking at

                  Always looking for game used bats from Andre Dawson, Ryne Sandberg, Mark Grace, Jody Davis, Shawon Dunston, Jerome Walton, Rick Sutcliffe, and Greg Maddux. Preferably CUBS era bats.


                  • rose14
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2005
                    • 321

                    Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                    One has to really question the mental capacity of a person that gets pleasure from seeing an innocent living creature being tortured and killed right in front of them. People like that have no compassion for living things and history shows that those people have proggressed to take that sick thinking to the next level.

                    How about Vick playing in the NFL next year for his life just like his dogs did?

                    Not to turn this into a political thread but the bleeding heart liberals are huge problem in what is wrong with this country. They act like that the criminal is the victim all while forgeting the true victim. I am a firm believer in an eye for an eye.

                    There are just too many people on this earth that have committed some very heinous crimes and were given life in prison so that the tax payers can pay for them for the rest of their natural lives. Life in prison is far too good for those people and in my opinion do not deserve to breathe the same air that you and I do. They chose to do what they did and must suffer the ultimate consequense for those actions.


                    • dirtyla2000
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2008
                      • 269

                      Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                      Originally posted by sportscentury
                      Dirtyla2000 -- Honestly, your arguments are so convoluted and generally confused that it's hard to know where to start. I am starting to better understand the motivation underlying your anti-Nationals threads/posts now. My sense is that you simply enjoy instigating GUU members, which is quite sad ... as is your take on the Vick situation.
                      WHAT,one has nothing to do with the other! I made a simple point for giving someone,anyone a second chance,I am the one being attacked! I have instigated no one on this topic!


                      • suicide_squeeze
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 1442

                        Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                        Originally posted by 5kRunner
                        I was just going to mention that.
                        I'm sorry, I am not familiar with this hand written note. What is it from?


                        • reed1216
                          Senior Member
                          • Feb 2007
                          • 322

                          Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                          I'm not sure where this came from, but I think it's a very generalized comment. While many serial killers and/or sociopaths start out by harming animals, I imagine there are also other reasons. Maybe, as some have argued, there are some cultural factors involved that led him to fight dogs. Maybe Vick thought he was bulletproof and was engaging in an activity that was entertaining to him and others. I'm not in a position to judge his motives, so I won't. But I do not think it's fair to assume that Vick's activities will one day lead to worse behavior.

                          I am the proud guardian of a chihuhua/rat terrier mix, named Hannibal. I absolutely love that guy and have had dogs since I was 4 years old. If anyone inflicted any harm on any of my pets, I would be pissed. However, I would go through the proper channels to make sure the person who hurt my dog was prosecuted. That's pretty much what has happened to Vick. I might think that anyone who would harm Hannibal deserves a life sentence, but that's just not realistic in our society.

                          I totally agree with the comments made by Reid (sportscentury). I don't like Vick and won't ever look at him the same way again. However, he does deserve an opportunity to play football again and if he's still good enough to play in the NFL, he should be allowed to do so. With that said, if the NFL decides to suspend him for a year, I won't lose any sleep over that. If the NFL has a policy of suspending players who commit felonies for one season, perhaps an additional year of being suspended by the league is the best course of action.

                          The bottom line is that we all have a right to correct our mistakes, as long we are accountable for them. As far as Vick is concerned, maybe he hasn't changed. However, he is serving the sentence the court gave him and in that regard, he is paying for his acts. I think that makes him eligible for another chance, either this year, or next.


                          • dirtyla2000
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2008
                            • 269

                            Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                            Originally posted by reed1216

                            I'm not sure where this came from, but I think it's a very generalized comment. While many serial killers and/or sociopaths start out by harming animals, I imagine there are also other reasons. Maybe, as some have argued, there are some cultural factors involved that led him to fight dogs. Maybe Vick thought he was bulletproof and was engaging in an activity that was entertaining to him and others. I'm not in a position to judge his motives, so I won't. But I do not think it's fair to assume that Vick's activities will one day lead to worse behavior.

                            I am the proud guardian of a chihuhua/rat terrier mix, named Hannibal. I absolutely love that guy and have had dogs since I was 4 years old. If anyone inflicted any harm on any of my pets, I would be pissed. However, I would go through the proper channels to make sure the person who hurt my dog was prosecuted. That's pretty much what has happened to Vick. I might think that anyone who would harm Hannibal deserves a life sentence, but that's just not realistic in our society.

                            I totally agree with the comments made by Reid (sportscentury). I don't like Vick and won't ever look at him the same way again. However, he does deserve an opportunity to play football again and if he's still good enough to play in the NFL, he should be allowed to do so. With that said, if the NFL decides to suspend him for a year, I won't lose any sleep over that. If the NFL has a policy of suspending players who commit felonies for one season, perhaps an additional year of being suspended by the league is the best course of action.

                            The bottom line is that we all have a right to correct our mistakes, as long we are accountable for them. As far as Vick is concerned, maybe he hasn't changed. However, he is serving the sentence the court gave him and in that regard, he is paying for his acts. I think that makes him eligible for another chance, either this year, or next.
                            well put!


                            • both-teams-played-hard
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2005
                              • 2712

                              Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                              Originally posted by suicide_squeeze
                              I'm sorry, I am not familiar with this hand written note. What is it from?
                              The note was written by Vick as an answer to an empathy test given by PETA. A "google" search will find it. Sounds like a 5th grader with a cheat sheet. There is a line about chickens being athletic. It is funny. Not "ha-ha" funny, but sick and twisted funny. Don't forget-Vick has a nice highlight reel, but a highlight reel has never won a game. He will never play in the NFL again.
                              Maybe in some third-world league like the CFL.


                              • reed1216
                                Senior Member
                                • Feb 2007
                                • 322

                                Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                                BTPH- WOW!! I was not aware that the note was written by Vick- very interesting. It does look like a fifth graders cheat sheet. I don't recall anyone mistaking Vick for an employee of NASA...

                                While I do believe and support Vick being allowed to resume his NFL career at some point, I must admit that I'm glad the Bears went out and got a franchise QB in the off season. If the Bears hadn't acquired Cutler and signed Vick instead, I'd be looking for a new football team to root for.

