Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

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  • Ozric
    Senior Member
    • May 2007
    • 426

    Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

    I'm actually always surprised about these discussions as sports has been and will always be about winning. Nothing else and no matter what. It does not matter if it is little league or the pros. We can debate about if he should be allowed to come back or not, but it simply does not matter. If someone thinks he can help their team win, he would be allowed to come back even if he murdered a person... Personally, he may have done his time, but does anyone really think he is even the slightest bit remorseful. Remorseful for being caught maybe, but not remorseful for committing the crime. He is a thug and will always be a thug, but hey... he did his time and had mad skills... Why don't we let some team hell bent on winning toss more money his way. Doing the time people does not mean that the person is rehabilitated, especially when they are going to walk right back out into the Brinks truck. Gee, just because he served his sentence, must make it okay though.


    • kingjammy24
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2005
      • 3119

      Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

      Originally posted by dirtyla2000
      ..He did his time and lost everything!
      but he didn't lose everything. he's still alive isn't he? the same can't be said for many of his dogs.

      imo, the punishment didn't fit the crime. put him in the ring with a couple of pits like he did to his dogs. if he comes out alive, then he earned it. if not, no big loss. he's just another piece of garbage; little more than a vile, repugnant idiot-child possessing every loathsome characteristic of the human species and even a few outside of it; completely bereft of any semblance of humanity, he seems suited for little beyond maggot fodder. if not for his ability to throw a ball and all of the caligulan proclivities that that ability enabled, it's hard to imagine he wouldn't have spent his life plumbing new depths of human depravity much like the other vick grotesque that his mother contemptibly unleashed unto society.

      most of the dogs i've met were better "people" than many people i've met.



      • both-teams-played-hard
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2005
        • 2712

        Re: Doesn't T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

        Originally posted by trsent
        So, the guy committed a crime, served his time and now he should be able to reenter society and continue his life, right?
        Joel, do you have any pets? I only ask because it will put some of your opinions in perspective.


        • both-teams-played-hard
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2005
          • 2712

          Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

          Originally posted by kingjammy24
          he's just another piece of garbage; little more than a vile, repugnant idiot-child possessing every loathsome characteristic of the human species and even a few outside of it; completely bereft of any semblance of humanity, he seems suited for little beyond maggot fodder. if not for his ability to throw a ball and all of the caligulan proclivities that that ability enabled, it's hard to imagine he wouldn't have spent his life plumbing new depths of human depravity much like the other vick grotesque that his mother contemptibly unleashed unto society.
          C'mon Rudy....don't hold back, tell us how you really feel...


          • ndevlin
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2008
            • 1362

            Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

            I actually agree with just about everything Joel is saying, and yes I have several pets. I have no problem with the guy wanting to play again. If a team wants to pick him up, I'd say so be it.

            I dont think the man should be denied a job because he committed a crime. He served his time whether we agreed with the term or not. He wants to play again, he's qualified, and someone wants to give him a shot, thats their business.

            Think about it too.... its not like he'll have much of a chance in the NFL anyways. He wasnt the greatest quarterback to begin with.


            • suicide_squeeze
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2008
              • 1442

              Re: Doesn't T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

              Originally posted by xpress34
              So if I worked for you and one night I decided to go on B&E (Breaking and Entering) Spree - no threat to life, no weapons - and ripped off house after house and got caught, you'd just hire me back after I served my time??? RIGHT...

              I'm guessing you don't own any animals either... we're not just talking about KILLING a defenseless animal - we're talking about SEVERELY ABUSING IT to make it want to kill other animals and then if it can't do the job after you've mistreated it for months (if not years) on end you CLUB IT TO DEATH (no gunshot - CLUBBED - where's the mercy???) because it 'failed' you???

              And the crime would not have blown over - it's a FELONY crime, not a misdemeanor... so Vick isn't 'just' an Ex-Con, he's a FELON.

              Hell man, OJ was AQUITTED of Murder - which means he 'did his time' in the Court of Law... would you hire him???

              I have NOTHING against Vick rejoining Society... I have EVERYTHING against him being HANDED the Keys to the Castle on a Silver Platter simply because of who he was...

              Denny McClain was busted for WHITE COLLAR Crime - NO Hurting or Killing of ANY Animal or Human - I didn't see the MLB lining up to offer him a chance to play again... oh, that's right... that was back when we weren't scared to speak our minds (i.e. Politcal Correctness) and everyone that did something wrong paid the FULL price... they weren't fed the BS that society somehow failed them and therefore owed them something when they finished serving their time.

              And it's arguments like these FOR the THUGS and GANG BANGERS in the NBA and NFL that make me continue to watch MLB. They may not be perfect, but at least their is a set policy with the 3 strikes and you're out... I don't read stories about MLB players pulling guns in Strip Joints or Choking their bosses, etc., etc... Just like th epeople pulling for what's his head from the Giants who shot himself with his own gun in the night club... everyone thinks he should just be able to come back to the NFL - he didn't commit a crime against anyone - but he did committ a FELONY in the State of New York!!! You or I would lose our job and be in jail already. Same should apply to EVERYONE.

              - Chris

              Hey Chris...........I'm with you.

              Why do you think we as a society are in such a state of......mess.

              Vick did his time. He paid his debt to society. But he was killing society. He was torturing and killing dogs that didn't make the "cut".

              So in honor of the dogs, I saw we throw Mr. Vick in a cage, hand pick a mean, nasty murderous thug from the highest security prison we can find, and tell them both to fight to the death.

              If they both tire in their efforts, and fail to "off" eachother, then let's take em out in the "backyard" .................and drown em.

              Long live Lassie.


              • suicide_squeeze
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2008
                • 1442

                Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?


                Rudy, (kingjammy)

                I hadn't yet read your post when I zipped mine off the keyboard. Seems we kind felt the same in his paying his "debt" to society.

                I just wanted you to plagerism intended, just similar in thought. Brought up following the same values I guess.




                • suicide_squeeze
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 1442

                  Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                  Could you imagine Vick getting offered a job in Cleveland......

                  He'll do real well in the "dog pound".


                  • kingjammy24
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2005
                    • 3119

                    Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                    Originally posted by Ozric
                    I'm actually always surprised about these discussions as sports has been and will always be about winning. Nothing else and no matter what...
                    in many ways it's a lot like this hobby. auction houses are caught committing all sorts of offenses yet most collectors would gladly overlook almost any offense if it meant obtaining a highly desired piece. an auction house could admit to shill bidding, item doctoring, credit card fraud, you name it..but if a big grail came to market, everyone would bid anyway. to this day, AMI, historic auctions, and broadway rick still get bids.

                    seriously, at what point is a superbowl trophy simply not worth it? that is, how completely insane does a player have to get in order for fans to finally decide that it's not worth a winning season? or is it worth it at any cost? i'm guessing there are fans who would welcome rae carruth back. at what point do you say that your own revulsion over the crimes committed, sense of sympathy for the victims and sense of morality outweigh your desire for a championship parade? at what point does being a sentient human being take priority over being a sports fan?

                    vick broke dogs' necks and slammed them to the ground to kill them..but golly gee, can't wait to see what he'll do when he suits up against some rival team! that's gonna be a kick ass sunday! dogs tortured, maimed and killed but it's all good if vick can rack up some wins!

                    i agree with many who say that what these players do in their private time is their business; that it's not up to fans to judge them as people, only as players. however, you still have to draw the line when it comes to something incredibly egregious like murder. we're not talking about a player who cheats on his wife or his taxes. we're talking about a depraved lunatic who killed and tortured animals for entertainment. there's no rehabilitating something that was never human to begin with. the only silver lining to vick returning to the NFL is that it affords him the opportunity to sustain a life-threatening injury.



                    • trsent
                      • Nov 2005
                      • 3739

                      Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                      Originally posted by both-teams-played-hard
                      Joel, do you have any pets? I only ask because it will put some of your opinions in perspective.
                      Common, I have owned pets, I do not have any now, but that doesn't mean the guy should not have the same chance to find work that anyone else does with a record or without.

                      Originally posted by suicide_squeeze
                      Could you imagine Vick getting offered a job in Cleveland......

                      He'll do real well in the "dog pound".
                      That is a funny concept!


                      • kudu
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2007
                        • 775

                        Re: Doesn't T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                        Originally posted by trsent
                        So, the guy committed a crime, served his time and now he should be able to reenter society and continue his life, right?
                        Sure he can continue his life, but not as a high paid athlete.


                        • trsent
                          • Nov 2005
                          • 3739

                          Re: Doesn't T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                          Originally posted by kudu
                          Sure he can continue his life, but not as a high paid athlete.
                          Why? Who are we to make those decisions.

                          If someone owns a team and wants to sign him, they have the right. Their money. If you don't like it, don't watch, don't go, but don't tell society that if you commit a crime, serve your punishment and are rehabilitated now you have to dig ditches for the rest of your life.

                          I am pretty sure this is how America works. Other countries don't work this way, so if you like their policies better, I assume they will accept new citizens.

                          Otherwise, this is why I love America. We are the land of the free.


                          • both-teams-played-hard
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2005
                            • 2712

                            Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                            Originally posted by trsent
                            Common, I have owned pets, I do not have any now, but that doesn't mean the guy should not have the same chance to find work that anyone else does with a record or without.
                            I am from the South, and the term "common" is used as an insult. I am sure this is not how you used it. What is the NFL's policy on hiring convicted felons?


                            • dirtyla2000
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2008
                              • 269

                              Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                              Originally posted by sportscentury
                              I don't have a problem with him playing again, though I will admit that I doubt I'll ever be able to look at or think of Vick again without immediately thinking of the chronic cruelty of animals he financed and otherwise enabled/supported. He did his time and if the NFL wants to let him play, I don't have a problem with it. But it will be hard for me to simply forget his crimes. As for the comparison of Vick's behavior to drunk driving, that is irrelevant. The latter has nothing to do with the assessment or treatment of the former. Murder is worse than theft, but I hope we would not let a thief off the hook simply because he did not murder anyone. Let's stick to the issue.
                              The issue is the same,a drunk driver is more dangerous to me than a guy who fought dogs and then killed them,SORRY.I will forgive a thief a lot faster than a murderer,COME ON!!!!!!


                              • dirtyla2000
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2008
                                • 269

                                Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                                WOW,thank god you are not a prison warden! compassion says alot of a society! by the way they were dogs!

