Quote Originally Posted by brianborsch View Post
His numbers are better than a few HOFers. Take Hack Wilson for example. He played 13 seasons, batted .356 with an OBP of .423 and a SLG of .517! He has practically 1800 hits! That's enough to get in. The hold up was that he was banned by the idiot commisioner at the time Mountain Landis. Besides his lower numbers, he should be allowed in simply because he was wrongly convicted and wrongly withheld from finishing his career. We all know that if he was allowed to finish his career, he would have dwarfed some of these other HOFers easy. Anyways, we'll see where it falls.
I'm not going to pretend to know anything about how good Shoeless Joe was or debate if he should get in or not...

What I will debate though is your comment about how if he were allowed to finish his career, he would have dwarfed other HOF numbers... people were saying the same things about Ken Griffey Jr., Bo Jackson, Barry Sanders, etc. How they were going to crush all the numbers and records and it wasn't even going to be a contest. Well, lots of other things can happen during a career that can derail the putting up of extreme numbers.

Again, I have no idea what kind of talent or numbers Shoeless Joe had when he was playing, but you shouldn't just put somebody in based purely on their potential.

Imagine all the people who could be put in on potential...

Just my .02
