Quote Originally Posted by legaleagle92481 View Post
The reason they got Halladay was because Lee said he was going to test free agency no matter what. Halladay wanted to pitch for a contender and was willing to forgo free agency to do so. Which he did when he signed an extension after the trade. To get Halladay cost them a haul in prospects. To keep both would have been cost prohibitive and they did not want to lose Lee for nothing at the end of the year so they saw the chance to upgrade their stable of prospects and save some money to use on a pitcher who would be there for a longer term which they got in Oswalt, who is signed for 2011. Werth did not have much trade value because some at the time felt 2009 was a fluke, he is over 30 and on a good time is the second or third best guy in a lineup. Plus he does not play a premium defensive position. They also thought at the time possibly that Werth would have not as good a year as 2009 and they would be able to lock him up. Lee had much more value hands down.
Cost prohibitive? This from a front office that extends Blanton 3 yrs/$24 mil and singles hitting Howard 5 yr/$125 mil, which contract hasn't even kicked yet?!? A stable of prospects where one ends up being arrested for coke possession?!? The Phils could've kept Lee for this season. Wouldn't have mattered anyways as the quickly-aged Phils' and their bats were D.O.A. during playoffs.