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  1. #391

    Re: 6 charged with fraud

    Quote Originally Posted by TNTtoys View Post
    I was under the impression that the FBI office was located in Rockford.
    Scratch my post above, I completely misread this and have no EDIT options. The Federal Courthouse Building that is hosting the case is here in Rockford, Illinois.

    The investigation is coming from the Chicago Offices.

  2. #392
    Senior Member 34swtns's Avatar
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    Re: 6 charged with fraud

    Quote Originally Posted by gingi79 View Post
    Since you are the most outspoken defender of JO in this thread, I wonder if you will indulge me with your opinion. I noticed in the C to C ads that you have sold a couple of Bears jerseys with JO paperwork in the past couple of years. Do you have any concerns regarding your ability to do so again in the future?

    All of the Bears collectors I deal with are as certain as I am about JO's Bears inventory, past and present.
    That, and I only buy items that I've already photomatched so it's a non-issue.

    I've forgotten more than most people will ever know about Bears jerseys so it would be damn near impossible to put one over on me......because I've educated myself, put in the hours and months and years into researching these items. I believe you have to assume that everyone has the potential to scam you so therefore the onus is on you to keep that from happening.
    Thusly, if you get scammed.....IT'S ON YOU! You were dumb enough, (make no mistake on that wording, and be perfectly clear on the syntax.....DUMB) to get taken, you are more to blame than the seller. This is a hobby that requires a level of due dilligence and knowledge that most aren't willing or able to amass or partake in. Those people are what I like to call.........well, DUMB. If you're dumb you WILL get taken.

    As for my level of concern "for the hobby", you are correct. I don't give a rip if you get scammed. My level of concern runs as deep as the deals I make and nothing else. I'm not interested in being a member of the "hobby police force", there's enough of you amateur Barney Fife's out there taking on that role.
    Have at it. I'm just the only one here man enough and honest enough to state that in public and not give a damn if anybody's panties get ruffled by it. At all.

    And finally, regarding my choice to continue to do business with so-called "questionable dealers", as I said before, until I get screwed (and that's absolutely not going to happen because of the aforementioned education) it's business as usual.
    If you steal money from your grandma's purse and are involved in a Madoff-like pyramid scheme but you have a Bears jersey I'm looking for, you might get some of my money too.
    Once again, I'm just the only one here honest enough to say that.

    Fellas, as much fun as I have poking a turd with a stick, I'm getting weary of this whole discussion. You know where I stand, you're absolutely not going to affect my position with your amateur sleuthing, your "expert legal opinions" and your self-anointed character judgements.
    I simply do not care what you think. You watch your shiz and I'll watch mine.

    Carry on your debate. I'm out.

  3. #393

    Re: 6 charged with fraud

    Quote Originally Posted by lakeerie92 View Post
    There will be plenty of time to bash (or support) JO when all of the information is out there. I realize there is a lot of info already out, but the details aren't and I am waiting patiently to hear those.
    It is amazing to me that others cannot see the how logical this statement is.

    Amazingly, I have personally been accused on this thread of denying there has been any wrongdoing when that simply is not the case. I have stated I do not know all the details of what the charges are and am leaving the forum open to JO so he can respond to the questions here if he choses to do so. That is being done since it is apparent NO ONE on the forum knows exactly what the charges are against him specifically.

    I am interested in hearing his response just like everyone else who cares to know. Further, unlike Jamie Schultz who has stated "He's nothing but a punk and a scam artist who should be sent away for his crimes like any other scum bag", I do have the luxury of knowing Jarrod personally and I can tell you that I do not see him as a "punk", "scam artist" or "scum bag". Those that actually know Jarrod personally can feel free to post to the contrary if they like but that is not my opinion of him. While I would not condone any wrongdoing, I am interested in understanding the exact charges and the details so I can make an educated assessment of the situation. Apparently, since I am not ready to burn him at the stake and ban him so he cannot respond to the questions here, I have my head up my butt and am in denial as Bill Schubert has so graphically has put it.

    To be clear, I am leaving the forum open to JO so he can respond the questions posed here by the members. That is not a statement that I am defending him or denying there has been any wrongdoing. I simply think there are some here who, like Russell, are astute enough to want to hear the details from a primary source, not the speculations and rants of people who are not privy to that information.

    Again, I am not leaving the forum open to JO because I am defending him or do not believe there has been any wrondoing. I am leaving the forum open to him to respond so those that care to know the details will be able to know. If JO does not answer those questions but comes on to make offers to members than we will address that as a matter of principle. However, I doubt that is going to happen.

    I will close with a thought from a teenager who recently told me his thoughts about people posting comments on the internet. This person, like most in his generation has been born and bred on the internet and lives in that world, told me 75% of people posting on the internet are trolls who simply look to sit behind their computers and try to cause trouble. Though I know less about the internet than his generation, I refuse to believe that statement. However, I will say that some of the posts on this thread, like those from someone who has never even met JO yet call him a "punk", "scam artist" and "scumbag", as well as those claiming educated people have their heads up their butts, seem to fit in that category.

    Oh, and as for any questions based on "what ifs", I can assure you GUU will continue to operate, as always, with the utmost integrity and that all its administrative actions will be consistent with that objective once all the details are disclosed.

    Christopher Cavalier
    Consignment Director - Heritage Auctions

  4. #394
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    Re: 6 charged with fraud

    I've avoided posting on this topic because I'm a firm believer in due process. For the same reason, I ignore the sensationalized "show trials" and the like that appear so often in the media.

    My personal history includes several leadership positions in which I have had close knowledge of various media-sensationalized situations. (Though fortunately I've never been the subject of one). I've not yet seen a single such situation in which the media accounts weren't "edited" significantly. Usually this is done to sensationalize, though often such editing is done to support a political agenda (from either the left or the right).

    So I am 100 % in agreement with Chris's position, and I greatly value this forum.

  5. #395
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    Re: 6 charged with fraud

    Your something! All the charges are made public and if you need more anwers contact the FBI Office in Chicago. You say your not standing up for Jarrod but that's not how it sounds or looks like, ask your forum members.

    People that have been proven to sell fake or shaddy items were banned. Now we have 6 people that have been charge in federal court and 4 of these guys are pleading out their cases. To me how much clearer does it have to be. They should be banned right on the spot. The others in the past didn't have federal charges against them. It was one guys word against another and they were banned. SO DO THE RIGHT THING HERE!!!!

    If you don't like what I have to say about banning these guys put up a poll on GUU and see what the members have to say about it.......

    You can keep posting on here and read my post but you still haven't answered my questions from before. PLEASE LOOK AT POST #334 AND ANSWER THOSE QUESTION FOR ME......

    It's my opinion that people that rip people off are scum bags and low lifes if they fit that profile then it's a perfect fit in my book. You only have like less then 5 people on here standing up for these guys and the rest of us can see the light why can't you guys.

    __________________________________________________ ___________

    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I commend a lot of you guys on here for standing up and fighting for what's right. I know most of you guys are stand up people but there is a few that aren't. I wish we could rid these people of our hobby but we can't so we have to live with these people. I for one will never deal with some of these guys and I hope you do the same.

    __________________________________________________ ____________

    I want to thank all of you that has sent me private emails about all of this. It's good to know that I have so many people on here that like what I'm doing to rid our hobby of the bad guys that are out there. I will keep up the fight as long as I'm in the hobby.

  6. #396
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    Re: 6 charged with fraud

    Quote Originally Posted by BU54CB View Post
    So because people don't agree with you or choose to exercise their freedom of choice, they have their head up their @ss?

    No, but when you ignore some basic facts there can really be only in explanation.
    Actually, I don't believe people are ignoring the facts, to the contrary, people seem pretty well informed. I think your problem is that despite the information, people are choosing to still do business with JO. That's really none of your business.

    34swtns seems well aware of the facts but will continue to purchase Bears jerseys from JO based upon his criteria to determine the authenticity of his purchases. I don't blame him, I've purchased 5 Bears jerseys from JO as well that I have photomatched and am satisfied. If JO has something I want and I can verify its authenticity to my satisfaction, I will buy from them again as well.

  7. #397
    Senior Member dcgreg25's Avatar
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    Re: 6 charged with fraud

    Everyone is entitled to an opinion and allowed to share that opinion. However personal attacks will not be tolerated and have no place here. I have deleted about a dozen posts this morning alone on this thread. State an opinion or even disagree with others but do so within the forum rules so this thread is actually readable. For those of you who have forgotten, the rules state:

    No Personal Attacks. Do not harass, belittle, threaten or “flame” another member. Do not call other members names, even in jest. You may dispute opinions and facts, but do so with facts and not by taking it to a personal level. This forum is intended to operate in a positive environment. Please help us achieve that goal.

    Any more posts on this thread that violate this rule will be deleted and result in potential further actions. If you cannot make a post without personally attacking someone save your time and do not post. Thanks.

  8. #398
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    Re: 6 charged with fraud

    So Chris now your calling most of us "TROLLS" because we stand up for what we beleive in. I will always post on here when I find someone that isn't good for the hobby. I will make post on here to state my feellings or my thoughts. Sorry if the truth hurts. By the way I don't have to know Jarrod like you to make up my mind on what kind of guy he realy is. If you can't see it I feel bad for you.

  9. #399

    Re: 6 charged with fraud

    I really didn't want to post again on this subject until we heard from Mr. Oldridge or a final declaration of the charges.

    Then I read ChrisCavalier's 4:03 AM post today. This quote baffled my mind "..I DO HAVE THE LUXURY OF KNOWING JARROD PERSONALLY..."

    Mr. Cavalier, a famous psychiatrist once said, "you may think you know others that are close to you, and you really see a vision of them of how they want you to see them". Perception is not reality. That was actually a statement made about divorcing a loved one.

    The word LUXURY you chose is defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as "an indulgence in something that provides pleasure, satisfaction, or ease".

    It is a curious phrasing of words.

    If Mr. Oldridge is exonerated, he should be grateful for that statement.

  10. #400
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    Re: 6 charged with fraud

    Quote Originally Posted by SkubeBats View Post
    So Chris now your calling most of us "TROLLS" because we stand up for what we beleive in. I will always post on here when I find someone that isn't good for the hobby. I will make post on here to state my feellings or my thoughts. Sorry if the truth hurts. By the way I don't have to know Jarrod like you to make up my mind on what kind of guy he realy is. If you can't see it I feel bad for you.
    Actually, you are incorrect, Chris didn't call anyone here a troll. If you aren't trolling, then you should be concerned with Chris' story.



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