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  1. #91
    Senior Member
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    Re: Dealing with GU reps for ASG items

    Quote Originally Posted by BernBabyBern View Post
    Anyone here pick up the Cespedes jersey if it was available? I heard it would be $3k.


    Wow, 3k for the Derby winner's worn jersey? Can anyone confirm this?

  2. #92
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    Re: Dealing with GU reps for ASG items

    Quote Originally Posted by yanks12025 View Post
    I was told today I could buy it for $5,000.
    Me, too.

  3. #93
    Senior Member cfern023's Avatar
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    Re: Dealing with GU reps for ASG items

    Who wants to read a funny story?

  4. #94
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    Re: Dealing with GU reps for ASG items

    Quote Originally Posted by cfern023 View Post
    Who wants to read a funny story?
    I'm always down for a good tale.

  5. #95
    Senior Member Phil316's Avatar
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    Re: Dealing with GU reps for ASG items

    Quote Originally Posted by helf35 View Post
    I'm always down for a good tale.
    +1 i could use some entertainment

  6. #96
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    Re: Dealing with GU reps for ASG items

    Also I was confirmed I did get the Chris Sale for $599.

  7. #97
    Senior Member cfern023's Avatar
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    Re: Dealing with GU reps for ASG items

    Please, feel free to ask any questions. This should explain how Highland Mint conducts its business.

    As my friend "Travis Barker" explained, its all in the interest of transparency.

    July 10, 2014

    Hi ,
    Do you have access to Tulowotzki's HRD jersey as well as Stanton's?


    I believe the tulo is sold and that Stanton is at $2500 which is pending on mlb approval.
    They of course have final say.

    Any other players of interest?

    Steven McRae
    Account Executive
    The Highland Mint
    1-800-544-6135 ext 137
    321-773-2727 ext 137

    Considering the limited usage- my interest is limited as well. Maybe Morneu?

    I'll take the Stanton.

    Sent from my iPhone
    I can offer the $2500 for Stanton tomorrow when I'm in the office.
    You definitely are 100% interested?

    Did morneau get the invite?

    Steven McRae

    I am interested, let me know when we can complete the purchase- I'll send the payment. Paypal or credit card?

    Morneu is competing in the HRD.

    We take credit card, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, & Discover. Once we get approval from MLB and once they have the Stanton in their possession, you will then be processed.
    Would need the payment information as soon as possible to show that you are in for it though.

    The Morneau will be around $1500 but possibly more.

    Steven McRae

    Ok let me know,
    Crazy busy day, sorry for now just getting to you. I have submitted the $2500 offer to MLB and am just waiting to hear back from them.

    You are still 100% interested in this, correct?

    Steven J. McRae

    Yes sir. And the Morneu

    Sent from my iPhone

    I will not charge your card until the price is approved and the item is in MLB's possession but to show that I have you in for this 100%, showing that I have payment ready helps.

    Let me know how you were going to pay for these either via email and separate ones to assure it is safe or call me at the number below.
    (EDITORS NOTE: Notice how he hasn't said the Justin Morneau is sold or his yet, just "Give me your credit card".)
    Thanks and talk to you soon.

    Steven J. McRae


    When the sale is confirmed with MLB, and the documents have been drafted I will send my CC info. I'd like to prevent it from getting around to too many people.
    I still need to know about Morneu too
    I completely understand and will relay that to MLB. The Morneau was offered at $1500 by one of my existing customers who purchases numerous twins items throughout the year.

    Steven J. McRae

    Sorry- but Morneu is a Rockie, you sure he wants that one? What others are available? Cespedes? Donaldson? Tulo?

    Sent from my iPhone

    He was a Twin though...and this guy is also getting all twins players BP jerseys & Nameplates.
    He definitely wants it.

    I can offer Josh Donaldson jersey for $1500...you want it?

    Cespedes is sold for $3500 I believe. Tulo is as well for $2000.

    Steven J. McRae

    Are they certainly sold? The Tulo and cespedes were my third and fourth options.

    Sent from my iPhone
    They are with MLB approval...would you want the Donaldson?

    Steven J. McRae

    I'll pass on Donaldson- what is available?

    Sent from my iPhone
    (Editors note) For anyone buying these, note the date he offered them 7/11/2014, did you already have a purchase set up?)
    Aramis Ramirez, McCutchen, Puig, Chapman, Greinke, Zimmerman, Freeman, Matt Carpenter, Blackmon, Rizzo, Perez, Cabrera, Cano, Jeter, Bautista, Trout, Jones, Cruz, felix Hernandez, Lester, Price, Scherzer, Sale, Wieters, Alexei Ramirez, ABREU, Beltre, Aybar, Dozier.
    (Editors note: Wasn't all Twins BP's sold to one buyer, why is Dozier available?)

    Steven J. McRae

    What are the prices on cutch, puig, trout and Abreu?
    Would need to offer these and see if MLB approves...

    Cutch = $1500
    Puig = $4500
    Trout = $4500
    Abreu = $4000

    Steven J. McRae
    Account Executive

    Offer that on Abreu, trout and cutch. I'll hedge my bets. I'll end up only taking one and the Stanton. Max 2 and Stanton.

    Stanton is set right? I'm at 2500 and it's mine.

    Sent from my iPhone
    If Stanton is approved and available, yes. I am taking off for the weekend since it is past 5...but I will be checking emails periodically for you.

    Would need to know on which one...can't just send in approvals without letting MLB know that there is a definite buyer.

    Steven J. McRae

    Go for trout primarily, Cutch second.

    Enjoy the weekend.

    Sent from my iPhone
    You are 100% in at trout for $4500 and Stanton at $2500?
    That's if mlb approves these?!

    Have a great weekend yourself and hope we can get these in for you.
    (Editors note: This is right around when he called us all window shoppers and was tryign to deflect blame from HM to MLB).
    Steven McRae

    Yes... If cutch stays at close to 1500 I'll take his too. I see great value in that one.

    Sent from my iPhone
    I am going to try hard and get those for you, all three if possible.
    I am hoping to hear final word from mlb on Monday or Tuesday. (Editors note: A recurrign theme as youll see. Final ok wasn't given until 7/23)

    If this all works out, you'll have the finest collection of asg jerseys by far!

    Thanks again for contacting me and have a great weekend!

    Steven McRae

    Good morning and hope you had a great weekend! I am hoping to hear from MLB on the ASG approvals so keep an eye out for a confirmation email soon. Thanks again for contacting me directly and the interest.

    As we stand, you have offers in for Stanton Jersey @$2500 and the Trout jersey @4500. I think Mccutchen is sold but will double check with the other rep here.

    Thanks for your time and look forward to hearing back from you.

    Steven J. McRae

    No problem, let me know what happens. I'll be in meetings all day starting at noon. I'll respond when possible.

    Sent from my iPhone
    MLB got back to us and they want $6k at least for the Trout BP Jersey. We are still waiting on if they will get in the Stanton HR derby, they will know after the event tonight.

    Do you want the Trout?? Let me know as soon as possible.

    Steven J. McRae


    I want the trout but not for a penny more than 7k. This process is getting tiring. Am I bidding against others or what?

    The Stanton is the primary piece I want. What's the status on that- what are we waiting for right now?


    Ps. MLB needs to find a better way to do this- it's the day of the ASG and we still don't know pricing.

    Sent from my iPhone
    No, I had your offer sent in for $4500 for the Trout and they said they want $6K at least.
    I can let them know right now that it is sold to you for $6K

    If you want it I will need CC to get it processed and sent to MLB.

    Also, the Stanton is on hold since they are waiting to see if they will get the actual HR derby jerseys. I will know more about those in the morning.

    Do you want the Trout??

    Yes, I totally agree with you on how MLB does this. It is frustrating on both ends.

    Steven J. McRae

    I'll take the trout- like I said before though I'm concerned about my CC info. How will it be handled once I give it to you.

    Sent from my iPhone
    I get the CC info and write up the order...i then hand it to the VP here and he then processes the card. As soon as it is captured, he emails MLB to let them know.

    Steven J. McRae

    Will the documents be shredded right after?

    Sent from my iPhone
    Yes, we shred all paper trails with cc information on them. I can also let the office manager know that after your order is shipped out, to erase your cc information from the system.

    Steven J. McRae

    I'm more comfortable making one purchase because of the procedures you have for CC info. Let me know what happens with the Stanton jersey.

    Sent from my iPhone
    I won't have them charge anything until the morning when we have word on the Stanton.
    At least need to show the VP that I have an order for the Trout in hand and ready to go.

    I promise you I will not do anything to compromise your CC. Just want to be sure you are in for it at that price.

    Steven J. McRae

    Because of my holdings and financial portfolio my identity is everything to me .

    I am nothing without my word. Plus we are also awaiting on final MLB approval on the price.

    I have to wait just incase, but my word is everything in this hobby. Without it I won't be able to make a legitimate purchase in the future unless cash Is paid up front.

    Inform your supervisor that both are sold, pending MLB approval.
    I totally understand and have just told my VP that you want the Trout for $6K.
    That has been approved by MLB already
    ...that is why getting it processed will guarantee you are in for it.

    Another rep here just told me (literally a minute ago) that he has a customer offering $3000 for the Stanton HR Derby Jersey. That is if MLB accepts that offer which we will know by tomorrow.

    Steven J. McRae

    So it's a bidding war on the Jerseys? If so- I'll take the Stanton up to 4k- but I expect it to stay below that price.

    Tell the other rep he's an ass.

    Let me know.

    Sent from my iPhone
    I think the other rep knows that is how I feel. It is only this way on a select few...Stanton wasn't there last year and we all have a handful of customers that want his.

    I will offer them $3500 for the Stanton.

    So you are 100% in for Trout at $6K and the Stanton at $3500 (pending if it is available and price is approved).

    BTW, the McCutchen is not available, the team may be keeping it. Same is happening with a lot of other names and teams.

    Steven J. McRae

    No problem- yes on both jerseys.

    Let me know what happens- heading into a meeting now until 9 or so .

    Sent from my iPhone
    Ok, I will let you know in the morning on the Stanton.

    Steven J. McRae

    I have you in for the Trout at $6000 and the Stanton at $3500....waiting to hear from MLB on the Stanton and making sure that it is the HR Derby Jersey.

    Hope all is well and will be in touch.

    Steven J. McRae

    No problem, thank you.

    If it is not the home run derby jersey- find out the price anyway.

    I will do that for sure. Nobody has said that they will go higher than $3500 if it is the HR derby, so as long as MLB approves you are okay.

    You excited that you have the Trout for sure?!

    Steven J. McRae

    At the end of the day,
    They are just trinkets to be locked and hidden away for my collections. Some collect stamps, others art. I collect mens clothing.

    Hopefully it's another solid investment for my portfolio.

    Sent from my iPhone
    Trout is one of the most sought after players now days! Having his ASG BP Jersey is a fine addition to your collection of men's clothing.

    Where do you live BTW? Let me know also where you want these all to ship so I can start writing up the order.

    Steven J. McRa
    I'll have an address for you by tomorrow morning. I plan on being out the country next week and I might have to ship it to a family members house....

    Do you ship to PO boxes by any chance? I have one in NY. Might be easier.

    Sent from my iPhone
    We don't ship to PO Boxes because all of these will require a signature upon delivery.
    When are you out of town until? I can always hold it until you get back.

    Steven J. McRae

    If everything goes right- it would be from July 19th until August 1st.

    If there's a problem with the plan we have in place for the shut down we are look at a two month window and a projected return to US date of September 23rd.

    Sent from my iPhone
    The best idea would to have these go to the Family members house, that way you get them ASAP and know someone will sign for them.

    Steven J. McRae

    That would work-

    How quickly will you have these? If it's possible for an overnight delivery on the 18th it would save everyone a hard time.

    Sent from my iPhone

    As soon as the card is charged, they can ship it out to us. But these won't be ready to do so until end of the week probably.
    MLB has to put all items in inventory and then ship out what all has been sold.
    It is a quick turnaround but not that quick unfortunately.

    Steven J. McRae

    It won't be possible to overnight for the 18th because these will not be shipped out from MLB yet.
    The turnaround for these is fast but not that fast. they have to collect all the items from the game, which is a lot, and then authenticate each individual item, then inventory them, then ship out.

    Usually about a two week turnaround from card being processed to in your possession.

    Steven J. McRae

    Let me see if I'm leaving or not- that will help a lot.

    I should know by the end of the work day at 7pm. These company status briefings are tiring- four meetings yesterday, two a day until the 18th.

    Sent from my iPhone
    Let me know...we should have verification on the Stanton soon too. Then we can get this all rolling and if possible ask MLB to send overnight.

    Steven J. McRae

    Ok. Once we know what's going on with that we should be ready to process the order.

    Inform MLB I'll cancel the order if it can't be shipped overnight. If I'm paying top dollar it's the least they can do.

    For next year, is there a price to buy all the jerseys in bulk and not let them hit the market? That's one way to make an investment- monopolize it. What works the pricing look like on that?

    Sent from my iPhone
    They usually do ship them overnight to us...we receive them and do our company QC and then we ship to you.
    I can get them to you the next day after it they arrive.

    So no need to cancel the order...i will get this all done the best way for you.

    I would have to check with MLB on the purchasing them all at once offer...

    Steven J. McRae

    That trout BP jersey is looking a lot better now! Let's touch base in the
    morning and get this secured for you.

    Talk to then.

    Steven McRae

    Well-played game last night...you are going to love the Trout BP jersey. Definitely one of the finest game used items out there for this stud of a player.

    You ready to get his reserved? Need to send over the information to MLB.

    Thanks and talk to you soon.

    Steven J. McRae
    What about the Giancarlo Stanton- my original inquiry.

    Remember, I'm paying for both at once - when the word on the Stanton is official.

    Sent from my iPhone
    No word on the Stanton yet or any other HR Derby Jerseys, still waiting. I am just getting inquiries from numerous customers on the Trout BP jersey now since he got the MVP, I am letting them know not available but if anything changes that why will be notified.

    Keep you posted on the Stanton.

    Steven J. McRae

    No problem.

    ou are welcome.

    Where did you decide you were going to want these shipped to?

    Did you see that email on the Trout photo? Didn't know if you like that type of commemorative but wanted to let you know about it...

    Steven J. McRae

    Didn't see email. Looks like family in Ontario but trying to find one stateside.

    Sent from my iPhone
    What's the word on the street? I leave the 19th for sure. Family in NY is receiving the package.

    Sent from my iPhone
    We are just waiting to hear from MLB that they have the Trout BP jersey & Stanton HR Derby jersey in their hands. They have to collect all the items from the game (jerseys, nameplates, baseballs, bases, on deck circles, line-up cards, etc.), then affix MLB hologram to each individual item which is tedious, and then put into their inventory. This takes a couple days usually.
    (EDITORS NOTE: MLB Already had authenticated each item the day of the game and into the noght per their MLB AUTH twitter acct).
    As soon as we get word on that, we will process your credit card and ship them to you. I am ready when you are to get that information so when word comes across my desk from MLB that they do have the items, I can reply instantaneously with the order.

    Steven J. McRae

    Let me know when the word comes- having my info out there feels for days with no end in sight makes me feel as vulnerable/ violated as a teenaged girl working in a brothel.

    Let me know what's up. Thx
    I just heard from a little birding singing in the tree that Highland Mint is still taking offers on both the Trout and the Stanton-

    I thought we had a deal struck pending what MLB gives you.

    What's going on. I need some transparency on this.


    Sent from my iPhone
    No other offers have been taken on the Trout or Stanton...the Trout is ready to go at $6000, just waiting word on the Stanton and if they do have the HR Derby jersey.
    You will still want the Stanton BP if that is all they have, correct? I believe that will be around $2000, need to confirm that with MLB though.

    If you truly want the Trout, I need to show MLB an order. They know you want it at their offer of $6000...just let me know.

    Talk to you soon.

    Steven J. McRae

    The Trout and stanton are wanted. The fact it's been three days since the derby and we don't know which is which is disturbing.

    If it's solely the BP jersey we need to renegotiate the price. I came into this wanting his HRD jersey and I feel like I'm being jerked around by MLB.

    When is the word coming through for what we are getting?

    Sent from my iPhone
    The Trout and stanton are wanted. The fact it's been three days since the derby and we don't know which is which is disturbing.

    If it's solely the BP jersey we need to renegotiate the price. I came into this wanting his HRD jersey and I feel like I'm being jerked around by MLB.

    When is the word coming through for what we are getting?

    Sent from my iPhone
    I understand your frustration since I feel it to with MLB and the game used
    Items. I have 100% confirmation that the trout BP jersey is available.

    I know that we are waiting to hear back on a few other jerseys and nameplates before we
    take orders on them. Remember, they have to authenticate A LOT of items before they can
    Tell us to give them orders.

    The Stanton ad Puig are the two hr derby jerseys we are waiting to hear on. If the hr derby isn't
    Available and the BP is, we will work together on that price.

    Please be patient with me. The trout is yours (will be 100% when card is processed).

    Have a great weekend and will talk soon.

    Steven McRae

    No problem , in the meantime I'll ask my friend Andy if Puig took his HRD, he's his representation. That might shed some insight on what's going on.
    (Andy M. is Puigs Agent, and the agency handles Stanton too. I've never met or spoken to them in my life).

    Actually, what are the scenarios for the Stanton? Is it that he took his with him? It's in the HOF? Does the team have it or a card company? Andy's office handles Stanton's representation too. He could just ask him what's up with it.

    I'll be on a plane shortly. Probably around 4 eastern without delays.

    Keep me informed.
    All of those scenarios are possible. I've heard of players just throwing the
    Items in their bags and leaving. I am not sure if I'll hear anything over the weekend...
    Only checking emails periodically. But if I do, you will be notified. I will also force
    The issue Monday to get a confirmed answer so we can get these out for you.

    Have a safe flight and will talk to you later.

    Steven McRae

    Just want to touch base with you on these items...i sent in another email to MLB in regards to the Stanton jersey this morning. I was told that the head guy that does all the game used items was not replying to emails over the weekend. I am hoping to hear soon on these.

    No matter what, you are in for the Trout correct? We sent our PO over to MLB and they noticed it was not officially sold...they just want to make sure you do take it.

    Thanks for your time and talk to you soon.

    Steven J. McRae

    Just want to touch base with you on these items...i sent in another email to MLB in regards to the Stanton jersey this morning. I was told that the head guy that does all the game used items was not replying to emails over the weekend. I am hoping to hear soon on these.

    No matter what, you are in for the Trout correct? We sent our PO over to MLB and they noticed it was not officially sold...they just want to make sure you do take it.

    Thanks for your time and talk to you soon.

    Steven J. McRae

    Yeah. I'll take the trout. Sleeping. Keep me informed on GS

    Sent from my iPhone
    I will keep you informed on the Stanton.
    Do you want to go ahead and get the Trout processed and sent over to MLB?

    Steven J. McRae

    Going on a week since the HRD- I saw abreus jerseys and bats authenticated online. Stanton didn't take his.

    What's the holdup . I'll provide payment when Stanton is confirmed. What are we standing at on the trout and Stanton price wise again?

    Sent from my iPhone
    I know, you are not the only one waiting on approval. We are going to have a meeting with MLB soon and discuss the items that we are waiting on approval on as well as what other items they have available (bases, baseballs, etc.)

    We are at $6000 for Trout (that is confirmed) and $3500 for Stanton HR Derby (waiting on approval).

    Steven J. McRae

    Travis, MLB just let us know that the Stanton jerseys are on hold and not available at this time. This means they are keeping them, the teams are keeping them, or they are going to another company for who knows what reason. If in the future it does pop up, you will be the first that I notify.

    Let's get you in for the Trout BP for sure today...should I call you or you call me?

    Let me know which is easier and more convenient for you. Thanks for your time and will talk to you soon.

    Steven J. McRae

    Neither, without the Stanton like we agreed on - I don't want the Trout.

    Unless you can come up with a suitable NL replacement.

    Going into this Stanton was my primary objective. I'm disappointed it took more than a week to figure out that Giancarlo's was not going up for sale.

    Sent from my iPhone
    You said that you were 100% in on the trout...i even told MLB this. I believe you said that "your word is your bond, without it you have nothing."
    A lot of items took a week to know what the status on them was.

    Here is what is available from the NL...

    National League

    Paul Goldschmidt Nameplate = $700
    Carlos Gomez BP Jersey = $600
    Madison Bumgarner Nameplate = $750
    Johnny Cueto BP Jersey = $600
    Johnny Cueto Nameplate = $500
    Zack Greinke Nameplate = $750
    Francisco Rodriguez BP Jersey = $500
    Tyson Ross Nameplate = $400
    Jeff Samardzija Nameplate = $500
    Julio Teheran PB Jersey = $750
    Julio Teheran Nameplate = $500
    Tim Hudson Nameplate = $350
    Alfredo Simon BP Jersey = $400
    Alfredo Simon Nameplate = $400
    Huston Street Nameplate = $400
    Devin Mesoraco Nameplate = $500
    Freddie Freeman Nameplate = $600
    Dee Gordon BP Jersey = $500
    Dee Gordon Nameplate = $500
    Todd Frazier Nameplate = $700
    Hunter Pence Nameplate = $750
    Miguel Montero BP Jersey = $400
    Miguel Montero Nameplate = $400
    Henderson Alvarez BP Jersey = $500
    Henderson Alvarez Nameplate = $400

    Steven J. McRae

    None of that is anywhere as nice an investment as the Stanton. Most of it is Nameplates (which are ridiculously overpriced).

    My word is my bond- but I also expect the same from you. You negotiated the Stanton and said if it's not the Home Run Derby it'll be the normal BP. You came through with neither. Especially when it was the main point of interest for contacting you.

    What's in the AL department? Who can I contact in MLB to find out what happened?

    I'm extremely disappointed.

    Sent from my iPhone
    They are not overpriced if people are buying them...which people are continually doing so.

    Don't get disappointed in me; I am just the middle man. The same thing happened with the PUIG HR and BP...That customer switched to his nameplate and is looking at getting the Gordon BP jersey.
    (Editors note: So Puigs guy got shafted with no jersey, and when the Gordon is $500 he trys to start a bidding war? Poor Puig Collector)
    Grab Jose Abreu's for $5000...it is his BP jersey and it is available 100%.

    Salvador Perez Nameplate = $400
    Robinson Cano Nameplate = $750
    Josh Donaldson Nameplate = $500
    Adam Jones Nameplate = $500
    Nelson Cruz Nameplate = $750
    Mark Buerhle Nameplate = $500
    Yu Darvish Nameplate = $1500
    Sean Doolittle Nameplate = $500
    Greg Holland BP Jersey = $400
    Greg Holland Nameplate = $400
    Scott Kazmir Nameplate = $400
    Jon Lester Nameplate = $750
    David Price BP Jersey = $600
    David Price Nameplate = $500
    Fernando Rodney Nameplate = $400
    Jose Abreu BP Jersey = $5000
    Adrian Beltre Nameplate = $500
    Yoenis Cespedes Nameplate = $1000
    Alex Gordon BP Jersey = $500
    Alex Gordon Nameplate = $400
    Kyle Seager Nameplate = $400

    Steven J. McRae
    Account Executive

    It doesn't look like the Nameplates are selling. When the list sent was all nameplates (except for 4).

    Nameplates signed , autographed and MLB authenticated sold for $150 from the marlins. I've purchased Giancarlo's on multiple occasions from multiple stadiums.

    The Abreu is available at 5k because it's a gross overpayment for the return on investment. I feel like your company is pulling numbers out of their butt.

    What's happening with the original list I asked about- McCutchen, Morneu, Tulowotzki?

    I want to complete the sale, but the feeling has to be mutual and there needs to be transparency. I can spend a small fortune anywhere and I chose to spend it with your company on these two jerseys.

    Stanton didn't take his jersey , neither did Puig. Andy said MLB has them and they were to be released to a company to resell them. That would be HM.
    (Editors Note: Agaim : I've never spoken to Andy in my life)
    Give me an update on the Mccutchen, Tulo, Morneu. I contacted HM for a reason- your my main point of contact.

    I don't want to be disappointed but I can't help but feel that way.

    Sent from my iPhone
    MLB makes these prices, we do not. Over 40+ nameplates have been sold thus far...and we will continue to sell them. Prices for some of those may drop but they are not now per MLB. I have offered lower prices to them and they told me no. So don't say we are just pulling them out of our butts until you know that is a true statement. Which it is not.

    The Abreu has an offer of $4000 on it and MLB still said no today...they may let it go for that tomorrow. So that should answer your "gross overpayment" assumption.

    Pirates kept ALL their players jerseys so they are not available through us.

    Tulowitzki HR derby Jersey sold for $2500 to another customer here.

    Justin Morneau HR derby Jersey sold for $1500 to another customer here.

    We were told from MLB that the Stanton and Puig were not available...they could be holding on to them. I don't have them...if I did you would (hopefully) be buying the Stanton and the Trout.

    Trout is available and you are backing out on it. I will let the other reps here know it is available now. This won't have any problem selling since he won the MVP. The price I told you at $6000 was approved before he won the MVP!

    You know what you have to do to reserve the Trout...i have done all that I can to get you what you supposedly wanted.

    Steven J. McRae

    Never try to strong arm a customer or make veiled threats to sell to another person.

    I expressed frustration in the situation from day 1- and have been working to reach an amicable solution.

    MLB does not set the prices, so don't give me that shit. I'm blind bidding against other customers and when HM feels it has made enough money it is sold.

    Do what you want but I made an offer I buy both the Stanton and the Trout. You agreed. Find the Stanton - of find a suitable replacement.

    I'm investing in these pieces- your smug replies are not appreciated.

    Find a replacement for the Stanton- or find another rep who can conduct business like a man and not like a child.

    I've negotiated takeovers, buyouts and in a former life hostage negotiations. Nothing is quite like getting a straight answer from you.

    Find a replacement- or find a new buyer.

    My credit card has been waiting for a week to be charged- but as a yes man you can't find answers.

    I await your "courteous" response and please- try to show some professionalism.

    Per the law- I've accepted your proposal for the Trout, and you accepted the fate of the trout hinges on another jersey.

    Do your job, as the middle man for MLB and find a replacement.

    (Editors Note: Not my proudest moment, but it was time to put my foot down).

    Sent from my iPhone
    I am not threatening at all, just stating that you do not want the Trout so I need to let MLB know that as well as inform the other customers that this is available now...that is all I am saying.

    MLB SETS ALL PRICES. If we are bidding then why is the customer who wants the Abreu for $4000 not able to have it? Why can't the other rep sell it? It is because MLB wants $5K for it...so please stop accusing us of things that are false.

    I am not sure what else I can do moving forward. I have explained thoroughly that the Stanton is not available.

    If you want the Trout still just let me know.

    Steven J. McRae

    Have you done your job yet and found a replacement?

    MLB didn't set the price on the Trout - I did, as a buyer. Without a buyer, HM and MLB will be stuck with their **** in their hands.

    You ran a blind bidding system, and I won out with the highest offer.

    Find the second piece. I'll buy Gomez, Cueto, and Price- but for 1200 for all three. That's my offer.

    Unless you can find a suitable replacement for the Stanton.

    The Trout is mine. Try to sell it and I'll have Highland Mint in so much litigation over it that the best case scenario is that it's sold in time for his HOF acceptance speech.

    Sent from my iPhone

    Tell your VP to email me. I'll give him my CC.

    I don't want a middle man with my credit info. Especially one as unprofessional as you just showed yourself to be.

    Sent from my iPhone
    I have sent you all products available and the prices MLB has set for them.

    If you were the one that got the highest bid on the Trout (which was $4500) why then did they say they want at least $6000 and then you 100% agreed to that price? And that is why the Jeter is at $25K and that isn't even accepted! Your language isn't appreciated either.

    $7700 gets you the Trout BP, Gomez BP, Cueto BP, and the Price BP.

    That is the offer now based on MLB approved prices. Let me know if you want these.

    Steven J. McRae

    Have your Vice President contact me to complete the sale. Your not trustworthy enough to be trusted with ANYONES financial information.

    Realistically, if I was homeless and had two bucks to my name- I wouldn't trust you to come back with my change.

    Sent from my iPhone
    I will talk to him about this in the morning. He would disagree with you about these statements below 100%.
    I don't care what he thinks- I care about who is responsible for my credit card information.

    It would be negligent for me to put my trust in you ensure my card information is safe when you can't even figure out what is going on with the products you sell.

    I await his email.

    Sent from my iPhone

    ______THE END______


  8. #98
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Re: Dealing with GU reps for ASG items

    I find this funny.

    Another rep here just told me (literally a minute ago) that he has a customer offering $3000 for the Stanton HR Derby Jersey. That is if MLB accepts that offer which we will know by tomorrow.

    Then he states later there is no bidding. Then why wasn't his initial $2500 locked in. Very shitty deal.

    Who the hell pays $1500 for a name plate?

  9. #99
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Re: Dealing with GU reps for ASG items

    My experience went like this. $499-$799 for the Sale jersey. I said I'm in. 2 days later $599. Sold! The end.

  10. #100
    Senior Member cfern023's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Dealing with GU reps for ASG items


    He can't resist himself.

    No worries. You and your partner "Travis barker" will be put on notice
    For your immaturity and for misleading Major League Baseball.

    Please feel free to copy this to your forum.

    Steven McRae



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