Here's some food for thought...Last night I was watching a TIVO of when Grey Flannel was on the People's Court...They had authenticated a Ripken TBC jersey as game used but the game was canceled...Grey Flannel lost the case and had to give the guy $2500 even though the guy never even bought it from them...Grey Flannel has a phone number, e-mail, fax, etc. to get ahold of them anytime to discuss anything...their arguement was that "it was there opinion" that this jersey was worn...sound familiar?

where the hell is Lampson hiding...he gets by every day with the "opinion" garbage...sadly to say he probably can legally use that line unless there is 100% proof that it is not the Ripken St. Pats jersey...The Darrell Griffith that was talked about might be another...All the Twins jerseys with no strip tag..How many 94 Favre throwbacks has he authenticated?...I'd love to see someone take him to the Peoples Court to expose him...why is it so easy for auction houses to get ahold of this clown to authenticate stuff, but when an issue comes up the guy is a ghost...where is he to answer qustions about some of his "opnions"...has he ever seen a jersey that he DOESN'T think is "100% authentic"?...Money must be good for the Ghost...I have heard that he's hunkered down in Atlanta someplace...

why is HE never seen at the National to promote his business like Grey Flannel?...He isn't dumb...there's waaaayyy to many people looking for him

Although I do belive that Lampson is somewhat knowledgable about vintage uniforms, the new stuff that he authenticates 100's of everyday is a joke